Paula Kerr

Paula Kerr is a keynote and motivational speaker with a track record of enthusing and  inspiring audiences with her story of surviving cancer and the fitness, nutritional and motivational techniques, which everyone can use to improve their wellbeing and confront emotional and physical challenges.
Paula is a successful national print and broadcast journalist, with three decades of experience, ranging from war and crime to arts and culture editor at publications including the Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail and Saga Magazine.
Following her cancer diagnosis, Paula used her people skills to create fitness company Fitter Stronger. At its heart are three core values which aided her recovery – EXERCISE, NUTRITION and MOTIVATION. A qualified personal trainer, she is dedicated to empowering those affected by illness, injury and trauma, delivering resilience programmes in education, private and NHS hospitals and wellness breaks in the UK and South Africa. Paula is also a youth mentor in schools, working with disengaged teenagers.
Now fully recovered, Paula is a regular contributor on physical and mental health issues on radio and television, a key note speaker and events host.
Paula’s book, Fitter Stronger, is published by Splendid Publications and is out now.


“Thank you so much for what can only be described as a truly inspirational day for our year 11 students. Each session was perfectly pitched, taking them completely out of their comfort zones, with challenging and thought-provoking tasks. Recharge left the students feeling more confident, with more self belief about what they can accomplish. As one student commented, “It was exactly what I needed, helping me realise that I can achieve anything I want to in life.” Please pass on our sincere thanks to your team. We will certainly be coming back to you for more.”
Jamie Lever, Longfield Academy
“My friends and I wanted to thank you for organising the Fitter Stronger session. We found it very motivational and it was exactly what we needed after the stress of mocks and parents evening. We are all looking forward to any future sessions with them. We have learnt a lot about nutrition, keeping healthy and being active.”
Student K.A. to Jamie Lever, Longfield Academy
“I can’t thank you and your team enough. Today was fantastic and truly inspiring. I loved every part of it. Your message and values shone bright on everyone. It was clear that all of them were moved by something today. Please pass this message onto Greig – who had not only the kids but myself glued to his talk – and also to Hannah, Gemma and Simon. I think what you deliver to schools is amazing, necessary and valuable. Thanks again and come back to us soon!”
Tommy Noad, Wrotham School
“Thank you so much for the work you and your team did with our pupils. They have all spoken very highly of the day and several parents were pleased we had put on such an event. Seeing the change in pupils, who are now switched on to their goals and ambitions, was truly wonderful. I wish you all the best with Recharge and look forward to inviting you back soon. It was a pleasure to meet you.”
Pete Huggens, Meopham School
“Thank you for delivering totally inspirational days to our students. Many have commented on how much they have learned and asked when you will be returning. We look forward to welcoming you back very soon.”
Katie Rowe, Mid Kent College
“We wanted a day that was about our apprentices as individuals and Recharge absolutely delivered that. We lead such busy lives that it’s important for our wellbeing to pause and evaluate the pace at which we live and the choices we make and Recharge showed our apprentices how to do that, as well as teaching nutrition. Our apprentices thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Thank you.”
Sarah Baker, Head of HR, FM Conway
“Paula and her team offer a high quality programme that fits very well with our ethos of “High Expectation, Challenge and Opportunity”. The programme I have seen delivered to year 9, 10, 11 and the 6th form, cleverly integrates both mental and physical health and provides students with the opportunity to reflect on their own goals, ambitions and what may be getting in the way. I have been very impressed with Paula’s attitude of inclusion and support, meaning that students from every background, ability and personal circumstance have had the opportunity to take part. The feedback from the students has been great, with many commenting that they day was inspiring, motivational and they thoroughly enjoyed taking part.”
Lucy Collacott, Wrotham School
“Thank you so much for your day.  The pupils absolutely loved it and have spoken very highly of you and your team.  As you said, it took them right out of their comfort zone and made them realise that they are able and capable of achieving anything they put their minds to.  The motivational speaker was outstanding! I will certainly let you know about their progress.  Thanks again.”
Odette Kelham, St John’s Catholic Comprehensive School
“Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people is a priority for the Government.
Schools have an important role to play in supporting the resilience and mental health of pupils. Good schools understand the relationship between positive mental health and attainment and make it part of their ethos, alongside good teaching. Programmes such as Recharge have a clear role to play here.”
Rt Hon Nick Gibb MP, Minister of State for School Standards