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Katie Prescott

Technology Business Editor at The Times, former BBC Business Presenter and Correspondent, Moderator, Keynote Speaker, Event Host
Exclusive Agent

Katie Prescott is one of the UK’s best-known business journalists. A familiar voice to millions of listeners after a decade reporting for the BBC, Katie was the Senior Lead Business Presenter for Radio 4’s Today Programme and a Business Correspondent across BBC News on TV, radio and online.
She’s now the Technology Business Editor for The Times and a weekly columnist for the newspaper’s award-winning business section. Across the fast-changing landscape of tech, media and telecoms, Katie brings all the key stories to readers, listeners and viewers across Times platforms.
At the BBC, Katie worked across all the corporation’s major news outlets as the on-screen face and voice explaining and analysing the tumultuous changes wrought by COVID-19, the European debt crisis and new technology, in addition to the challenges of sustainability and climate change.
She has travelled extensively for her work, from Tanzania and Rwanda to China and America as well as working as a journalist in the BBC’s New York Bureau.
Katie is a highly accomplished speaker and moderator. Having worked with a range of major clients, she is well placed to host and facilitate at conferences and other events requiring her expertise in technology, business, finance, economics, media, digital  disruption, cyber security and sustainability.
Katie has a degree in Modern Languages from Oxford and lives in London with her two children.


Our panel required deft chairing. It was a job Katie did with great aplomb, setting the context for the discussions, bringing in the speakers at the right moments for them to make useful contributions.  Her experience as a broadcast journalist was certainly brought to bear, as she adeptly kept the conversation flowing, while ensuring it also remained focused and engaging. Katie was a consummate professional, a pleasure to work with, and someone we would love to work with again in the future.
Jack Neill-Hall, The CityUK
Katie was wonderful on stage at London Tech Week and a pleasure off stage. She was just fantastic!
Elspeth Garratt, Informa
Katie did a fabulous job of chairing a handful of fireside chats organised for our investors, interviewing numerous founders and partners about a wide range of tech and finance topics. Her meticulous preparation in the lead up to the event brought out the best from all speakers involved, ensuring the discussions hit the perfect tone for our audience.
Anne Glover, CEO, Amadeus
Your contribution and insights were invaluable, and we are very grateful that you were able to take time out of your busy schedule to be with us.
Shevaun Haviland, Director-General, British Chambers of Commerce
We were delighted to have Katie as our host and would love to have her back again. She immediately brought energy to the room and clearly worked hard to make the script her own and engage with the audience – couldn’t have asked for more so please pass on my thanks to her.
Ellen Vester, Electrical Safety First
“Professional, enthusiastic and insightful, Katie was an invaluable contributor to our annual industry report launch event. She navigated the complex subject matter at hand with ease, chairing a panel of expert speakers to ensure everyone contributed fully, the discussion moved fluidly through multiple themes and the audience stayed engaged and responsive.” 
Dania El-Kadi, Head of Marketing, Sonovate

Interviewing Steven Bartlett


Web Summit 2022

Moderator – TheCityUK International Conference

Hosting for British Chambers of Commerce