Charles Radclyffe

Charles Radclyffe is the self-styled Data Philosopher combining his passion for technology with his concern for the unintended consequences of it. He is a specialist in digitalisation and is CEO of EthicsGrade, an ESG ratings agency that evaluates the quality of governance at over 300 of the world’s largest companies with respect to their digital strategy. He is also a Visiting Fellow at the University of Bristol where he supports the commercialisation of Quantum Technology research.

Charles is an experienced keynote speaker on topic concerning emerging technologies such as AI, automation, robotics, quantum computing, blockchain and the metaverse (or VR as it used to be called). He has spoken and hosted events globally in person and remotely from his home-studio.

Charles is a regular co-host of the Are You a Robot? podcast series which considers the ethics of technology, and has appeared on many other productions discussing these issues. He holds an MA in Law from University of Cambridge and regularly lectures at Bristol University and other institutions on technology entrepreneurship and how entrepreneurs need to be ethical with technology if they are to win and maintain customer trust.

In Charles’ career, he has built and sold three technology companies and in between each of these entrepreneurial experiences, has held senior technology roles at organisations such as Royal Bank of Canada, Fidelity International and Deutsche Bank.

Three Steps to Surviving the Robot Revolution


Fascinating first day at Maritime Innovation Week in London. Possibly the best presentations I’ve seen relating to the use of AI from Charles Radclyffe and Kevin Smith
Niall Jack, Timor Marine