Angie Belcher
Exclusive Agent
Angie Belcher is a comedy pioneer, whose career has evolved from through stand up, acting and performing to award-winning work as a coach and trainer, teaching presentation skills to CEO’s and staff at major organisations and delivering ground-breaking workshops through the NHS.
For more than fifteen years, Angie has been specialising in the link between comedy, mental health and personal development. Her Comedy On Referral program attracted global coverage when the project was launched, using stand-up comedy workshops to help people in recovery from trauma for the NHS, the first of its kind in the world. She was also commissioned by the NHS to provide stand-up comedy projects for men at Risk of suicide through the charity Rethink.
As a facilitator and performance director Angie has 20 years’ experience creating and presenting shows. Enjoying a diverse client base, she’s delivered programs for national NGO’S and lectured for London’s trendy Design Agency D&AD. Her other clients include the BBC, The Prince’s Trust, Capita and WISH, London.
An expert communicator and award-winning comedian, Angie regularly comperes the Glastonbury Festival’s raucous Cabaret Tent and is an accomplished stand-up comedian and writer (“Highly recommended, go see her”, Phil Jupitus). Her show “Mythical Creature” won North East Theatre Guide’s best show at Edinburgh Festival and she gained 3rd Place in What The Frocks’ best UK Comedy Newcomer competition. She also takes a lead role in the Midlands horror flick Crispy’s Curse on Amazon Prime.
Angie has produced, directed, and written “The Bristol Comedy History Walk” as part of her role as Comedian in Residence at University of Bristol and wrote “What Has Shakespeare Ever Done for us?” a piece of public flash theatre which was created to pop-up around Bristol to promote The Bristol Shakespeare Festival 2013. She writes site specific monologues, receiving a commission for the Broadmead Shopping centre which was performed flash-style to startled shoppers.
Her 4-part comedy drama “My Funny Valentine” was featured on Radio 4 and she has written scripts as part of her comedy club, The Comedy Rocket and been a finalist in the Sit-Com Trials showcases for new writers. In 2022 she was the winner of the Comedian of Emancipation Award at the Haags Comedy Festival.
Angie writes for corporate clients, delivering odes for a range of organisations, from Cider shops to Audio Visual companies. She regularly writes corporate virals and promo film scripts and was commissioned by the city of Bath to write poetry to welcome home the Olympic Gold medalist Amy Williams.
A proud graduate of The Institute for the Development of Human Potential, she also holds a post-graduate diploma in Humanistic Psychology for Leadership, Facilitation and Coaching and teaches masterclasses in expert communication and negotiation to a range of organisations from Category A Prisoners to Bankers.
Angie is course leader for stand -up comedy on Circomedia’s BA course in Contemporary Performing Arts, Writer in Residence for First Story, Associate Lecturer in Comedy Writing at the University of Worcester and Comedian in Academic Residence at the University of Bristol.
Not shy of delivering quirky arts and health projects, she also has a daytime comedy club AFTERMIRTH which provides entertainment to new parents, and ELDERMIRTH, which provides comedy shows for people in care homes.
In 2022 Bristol Live named Angie Bristol’s 2nd most influential woman for her pioneering work in comedy and health.